Monday 4 July 2022

Today's (4th July 2022) lunch photo

Lunch today was leftover Quorn family roast from yesterday's lunch with Steve's family.  He had some awful news in the early hours so understandably didn't feel up to cooking and didn't trust me to use the grill to make our lunch 'cos the grill door needs to be open to be used for some daft reason, so we finished off the leftovers we brought home with us yesterday:  3 servings of Quorn family roast for me and 3 servings of meat for Steve.


I'm in the green on the calorie intake on my FitBit, so I'm thinking it'll just be teas and coffee's this afternoon to try and stay there... I'd prefer to be in the red as opposed to the blue though, so I'll have to keep my eyes on it this afternoon and have hot drinks if it starts to go blue.

Here's today's photo:

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