Friday 21 October 2022

Another comparison photo

Took this just before I took the one of just mine so that you can see again, what the portions are usually like and that it wasn't just a pig-out on Steve's part on Wednesday.

Steve's rice was squished flat until it covered the bottom of the plate and was about 2-3cm high, then he put 3 or 4 spoonfuls of the chilli onto my rice and emptied the rest of the very full frying pan onto his plate.

The jar of sauce has got 4 servings in it and I reckon I got just over 1 of them today.  There was a mugful of rice between us and I reckon I got about a quarter of the rice.


Dunno if you can tell from the photo, but my plate is about half full and Steve's is precariously balanced and above the top edge of his plate in the middle

Pretty normal division of food for us <shrug>

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