Monday 24 October 2022

It pays to schmooze!

Every Monday when our rubbish sack and recycling containers are emptied, I say good morning and thank you to the collectors who are doing a job that very few people want to do, is unsociable hours, stinks and they are dealing with the things that nobody else wants, so it's a far from pleasant job to do and I like to think that my weekly appreciation of them and treating them like human beings makes it ever so slightly more bearable for them.  


This morning, just by doing what I do every week, I got the recycling box, food waste caddy and the paper and card sack all put together and handed to me.  It's not a regular thing, but it does happen every so often and nobody else in the street gets that kind of treatment so I'm guessing it's a rare occurance on each of their rounds.

It's polite, friendly and doesn't cost a penny, so I'm more than happy to keep doing it each week.

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