Sunday 30 October 2022

That's twice that...

...I've made my carer's meal for him and he hasn't made any of mine.  I can pretty much guarantee that I'll be making his tea for him too so that'll be 18-2 to me for this week and we won't be having our Sunday treat 'cos Steve decided to have a take-away a couple of days ago, so I'm even missing the calories from that.

I reckon it'll be under 500 calories for me for the entire day because of it being a purely liquid day again which is far from healthy, but not to worry eh Steve - as long as you eat and drink whenever you fancy it then I can sod right off eh?

Just had the reminder come up for my lunchtime pill, so I'm gonna take that then refill my dosette box while Steve finishes his second meal of the day, then take the rubbish and recycling out.

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