Friday 28 October 2022

Looks like...

...after Monday, I won't be eating anything until 14th November at the very earliest, even though I will, potentially, finish writing at the start of the week before and almost definitely by the end of that week, but Steve's getting so much meat on Tuesday that it'll take at least 2 weeks to finish eating it all and it doesn't seem to matter that I'll be going hungry.  It's looking like my only calories will come from liquids for the first two weeks of November so I doubt I'll even make it to 500 calories a day, let alone the 1400 my FitBit says I need to function each day.

Good job that I'm 1.5kg overweight to start with, innit.

Time to go and make lunch... will I get to eat or will I have to miss my 4th meal (out of 4) in 2 days?

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