Tuesday 4 October 2022

Nite nite orl

After an incredibly early start (4.30am) and putting in a smidgen over 13 hours of care for my carer today, I think I've earnt the right to log off early tonight.

I'm 345 calories below budget today after only having a bowl of granola, 3 hash browns and 3 drinking chocolates all day and my carer eating 3 full meals, multiple biscuits and leaving several drinks.

I've got less than 10 hours to put in tomorrow and that's the minimum hit but my carer still has over 34 hours to go and I don't reckon he'll cook tomorrow either 'cos it's another oven only meal, but I'm hoping it'll boost my calorie count considerably more than I had today.

I'm sure you're all sick of that rant by now though, right?

Nite nite orl.

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