Sunday 3 July 2022

Back now...

...I'm stuffed and the support wasn't needed as much as I though it might have been.  I think Steve, at least, was grateful that they were all together though, so that's what matters.

We've brought some Quorn and meat home with us and Steve's somehow acquired a packet of square sausages, a couple of Pot Noodles and a wireless doorbell from his mum too, so I'll have to adjust the menu so that they can all be used up in the next couple of days.

Steve needs to change the lightbulb in the bathroom before it gets too dark too but I'm predicting he'll be asleep before the Grand Prix has finished.  He's done well to stay awake since his mum phoned to let us know that Marie was on her way though!

I've already guzzled my way through a litre of cream soda since we got home and I'm about to refill the plastic glass with another 500ml now lol

I'm already half way down my third glass since we got home now lol  Time to finish off the bottle then put the kettle on methinks.  Need to give the plants/seedlings their second watering of the day too, so I'll do that while I'm waiting for the kettle to boil I reckon.


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