Sunday 3 July 2022

Oh. My. God and Goddess

Just been out to water the plants and seedlings while Steve is awake and engrossed in the Grand Prix.  I'm so glad I did 'cos I don't reckon it'll be too long before they start flowering... they've grown even since this morning's watering session!  They are big, strong and healthy, so I reckon a few days of sun and the occasional bit of rain ('cos that seems to be what they thrive on, more than tap water) and there might be flowers by the end of next week!

I've given up on the Amazon bees and butterflies plants and seedlings 'cos they just seem to be grasses (bees) or pretty much non-existant (butterflies) but there is a seriously overgrown butterfly bush that is taking over the other end of the yard and I know butterflies like that, so I might get to see the occasional butterfly too, despite the seedlings barely growing.  I'll still keep watering them, just in case, but I very much doubt anything will happen with either of those so late in the Summer.  That's OK though, I got a third growing happily and hopefully flowering and there are some small yellow flowers on the weeds in last years tomato plant pots too, so that's OK.  I'm just relieved that I managed to get anything at all 'cos I've never grown flowers from seed before now - it's always been fruits and vegetables!

Here are the two photo's I've just taken and you will hopefully be able to see why I'm so proud of the plant's in the second photo!

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