Thursday 14 July 2022

Mornin' all

I completely forgot to start blogging when I logged on this morning!  Woops!

Steve's just had the call from his mum to say that his sister is on her way, so he'll be going soon and is likely to be out of the house until this afternoon and he's expecting to have lunch with his family, so I'm gonna have a bowl of granola when he's gone, then I can get on with recording the last parts of the majority of the commissioned pieces.  Potentially got more editing to do on one or two of them, but I've already done 2, got 6 more to do while Steve's out of the house, then I can get the editing sorted on the last couple of bits and hopefully have them done and dusted in time for the weekend.

I've run the virus scan (which was still clear), run the maintenance thing which has corrected 2 errors on my machine, taken my morning pills and had a glass of water to ease my parched throat (didn't help that much though) and he's just left, so I'm gonna go and water the plants, then get my breakfast.  Wanna spend as much time as I can on the commissioned pieces so that I don't forget about doing them and have to be reminded so that I have to do it all in a rush!

BBIAB with my breakfast photo!

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