Friday 15 July 2022

Mornin' all

How are you all doing this morning?

I can already hear the seagulls squarking and there was one walking right down the middle of our road yesterday too lol

I've just taken my morning pills and I'm waiting for all my various programmes to load up, then I'll do the daily virus scan and check to make sure all my bills have come out of my bank account - I know one of them has 'cos I got the regular notification about it, but I haven't checked the other ones yet, so I'd best go for a poo and check now really, before I forget.





Back now... only just made it in time for my poo lol  Lets get on with checking my bills comingingoutering.

Yep, all the bills have come out, there's one due tomorrow and I've got just about enough cash in my bank account to pay for other bills at the start of August too, so that's a relief.

My carer is awake now so I'd best go and make his breakfast for him, I guess.  I'm gonna have breakfast this morning too, although not as much as I had yesterday lol


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