Tuesday 5 July 2022

Mornin' all

I put in a 13 hour and 32 minutes day yesterday and Steve seems to be coping OK with his loss OK atm - I think he's still in shock/disbelief tbh.  I'll continue to be there for him whenever he needs me though, so hopefully that'll make things easier for him and his family.  I lost my father when I was 32 so understand what he and his siblings are going through and my mum has agreed to let me tell his mum her phone number in case she wants to use it when she's got over the shock too.

I won't be doing the news today either, so that I can instantly be there for Steve whenever he needs to talk, like I did yesterday.  I'm gonna take it at Steve's pace and try not to rush him.  Whenever he is ready for me to take a step back is when I'll re-start the news, but until then my focus is on Steve and his family.

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