Saturday 2 July 2022

That's the...

...editing finished for this week.  I'm not gonna be able to do much tomorrow 'cos we'll be spending most of the day with my in-laws so that I can support them and hope I don't put my foot in it and make things worse for them.

I'm gonna devote next week to the one and only trilogy I've written - doing the synopses is the worst part for me... I can't cram 300 pages into a single page that says "you've gotta read me!" - marketing has never been my strong point lol

Just had to get Steve our final toilet roll until Tuesday and put his laundry on to wash.  According to the spreadsheet so far this week, I've cared for my carer for 8 hours and 35 minutes today and my carer has cared for me for 2 hours and 8 minutes all week combined so there's no way he can make up 33 hours between now and midnight tomorrow 'cos there are less than 30 hours left in the week and I'll be asleep for at least 7 of 'em, so even if we both stayed awake and he did nothing but care for me, there's no possible way for him to cram 33 hours of support into 30 hours.  We'll be with his family tomorrow, so there will be very little caring from him there, it'll all be me supporting him and his family, which is understandable in the circumstances and our rubbish and recycling has to go out before it gets dark tomorrow evening, which I can pretty much guarantee will be down to me again and he'll have seen his family more in one day than I've seen my mum since my father's funeral back in 2010.

That's a whole other rant that doesn't need to be aired atm though.

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