Tuesday 12 July 2022

Today's (12th Juy 2022) lunch photo

Lunch today was a tub of free-from vanilla ice cream, maple syrup and a glass of water so I'll be living on 518 calories today 'cos my hubby/carer doesn't fancy cooking 'cos of the temperature and other than 3 packets of crisps, the rest of the food is unsuitable for vegetarians with a dairy allergy, so I'm hoping that he'll cook the rest of the week or I'll be going hungry again, like I am today and yesterday.  He'll be with his family on Thursday, so that'll be a calorie free day, it's my weekly virus scan and backups tomorrow so at best I'll have a mug of instant soup or more likely nothing, which takes us to Friday when I reckon it'll be too hot, and the same again at the weekend.  Basically I've got 3 packets of crisps to see me through the rest of the week *sigh*


I've taken a loaf of bread out of the freezer so that Steve can have sarnies tomorrow and Thursday but I doubt it'll last longer than that, so I'll take another loaf out on Thursday so that he can eat on Friday and Saturday, then take the third loaf out of the freezer on Friday so that he can eat on Sunday and Monday.

Here's today's lunch photo:

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