Tuesday 12 July 2022

My 8.56am prediction was also...

...spot on because "it's too hot to cook, so I'll just have a sandwich and the cocktail sausages and one of the boxes of egg custards for my lunch today, I'll definitely cook tomorrow though" so I got it all for him then remembered that I had a tub of free from vanilla ice cream and a small amount of maple syrup left, so that's my only meal today.

I'm making another prediction, at 1.40pm, that he'll want me to get one of his tubs of ice cream out of the freezer for him before it gets dark, so that he will have eaten 4 times in 10 hours and I'll have eaten once in the same amount of time.  I'm also predicting, at 1.44pm, that he'll want me to get him at least one snack this afternoon too.

I've just answered the door to another of his deliveries and apparently I've "played football with this delivery too 'cos the tops of the boxes are caved in, just like my egg custards!"

I've already cared for my carer for longer this lunchtime alone than he's cared for me since I woke up and came downstairs yesterday.

I'm gonna go and water the plants and seedlings then get on with a bit more editing.


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