Tuesday 12 July 2022

Washing up done and carer fed...

...so now I need to go and water the plants and seedlings.

I'm making a prediction right now, at 8.52am that my carer won't fancy cooking because he's had a big breakfast and doesn't fancy cooking so today's calories will come entirely from drinks.

I'm not safe enough on my feet to make a hot drink right now, so my first drink of the day will be a calorie-free glass of water.  


I'm also predicting, at 8.54am, that my carer will want his first hot drink of the day within an hour of him finishinng his breakfast that he'll want me to make for him.

My third prediction of the morning, at 8.56am, is that my carer will be hungry enough for me to make him a sandwich for his lunch but yet not hungry enough to cook a proper meal for both of us.  I've got nothing to have in a sandwich, so at best it'll be bread and butter for me, but I doubt I'll be stable enough to make that for myself after I've made lunch for my carer.

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