Tuesday 12 July 2022

Mornin' all

How are you all doing this morning?

So far today I've:

  • taken my morning pills
  • run the daily virus scan
  • rebooted my machine
  • cared for my carer for 83 minutes, including encouraging him to wipe up his dribble that had run down his chest and stomach while he was asleep.

To-do list for today looks like this:

  • make my carer's breakfast for him
  • water the plants and seedlings
  • do some editing on the commissioned pieces
  • bring in our groceries and put them away
  • wait for approval of the edits
  • make my carer's lunch for him
  • record the approved pieces
  • send the commissoned pieces off to the necessary person
  • make my carer's tea for him
  • make drinks as required throughout the day for my carer
  • support my carer as necessary when he talks about recent news items in his family
  • head to bed for the night.


So far this week I've cared for my carer for 10 hours and 23 minutes.  My carer has cared for me for 2 minutes.  He's just brought the bags through ready for our grocery delivery and said that I need to do the washing up so that he can have his breakfast, so I'd best get on with that now, hadn't I?


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