Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Grocery breakdown

Just done a bit of editing of Monday's groceries 'cos we've got more Granola coming hopefully this evening and an unopened box of porridge, in addition to the tub that's already open, so we're gonna have Granola and porridge (although not together, obviously 😜) for a few days to clear up even more room for new food, plus all the bread in the freezer that we need to use up before Monday so that we can store Steve's huge 1.4kg family-sized lasagne that he has all to himself, so maybe we should keep having toast until we've got enough room in the freezer for the lasagne?


The current break-down of Monday's groceries looks like this:

My stuff:  £5.35
Steve's stuff:  £17.60
Joint stuff:  £17.79

so, amazingly, the joint stuff is the most expensive so far next week and I've currently got some pop and an individual portion of veggie lasagne on there too - bet it'll change before Sunday evening though 'cos it always does.

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