Friday 20 August 2021

Mornin' all

How are you all doing today?


My FitBit app still isn't syncing, so I'm removing it then hopefully getting it re-paired to see if that works, if not then I'll see if there's an update to the app and if that doesn't work I'll contact FitBit support.  They were fantastic last time and they know their devices better than me after all!


I remembered to charge up my watch and take my pills this morning and I've got my third glass of water on the go atm, which is 1.5 litres in about 2¼ hours.


I've cared for my carer for over 2 hours already too, so it's gonna be another mammoth day of caring and I bet he won't want to do the curry for lunch, despite agreeing to it before I put it on this weeks menu and has agreed a few times since then too. 

Time to make a start on the news now I reckon, while I'm waiting for things to go wrong with my FitBit!

Nope, he's just woken up, so I'd best go and do his breakfast now - might water the tomatoes while he's in the bathroom first though.


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