Sunday 22 August 2021

Just done some last minute editing of the groceries

Just spotted a carrot cake on Facebook and mentioned it to Steve, so I went in to add it to the shop, at the expense of the grapes and Quorn pieces and I need another bottle of squash to take my pills with each day, so the final breakdown of tomorrow's shop now looks like this:

My stuff:  £6.34
Steve's stuff:  £23.44
Joint stuff:  £11.44

so Steve's stuff is £12 more expensive (ie more than double) than the joint stuff, yet again, and I'm having a major guilt trip about how expensive my stuff is too.  At least I've got some pop on this order for the first time this month though and haven't taken anything of mine off this time.

There won't be toilet rolls or lasagnes on the week after's shop though, so hopefully I'll be able to get the quorn pieces, fruit and pop that week instead.

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