Saturday, 28 August 2021


...lunch today will be Mug Shots for Steve, made by me, 'cos Steve can't be bothered to cook again, so he's gonna have a Mug Shot and I'll have a couple of slices of bread (no spread) so that I can finish off the loaf and Steve can start the fresh loaf for his breakfast tomorrow.  At least it'll get my protein percentage up a bit more though.  


It just pisses me off that Steve says he "cooks every meal for her" yet my spreadsheet and the photo's prove that he's only cooked 3 meals out of a possible 11 so far this week (lunchtime will be the 12th meal of the week), so he lies through his teeth about that too.


So far this week, Steve's cared for me for 109 minutes and I've cared for him for over 53 hours.  Guess who is registered as whose carer?

Me?  Pissed off?  Too bloody right I am!

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