Thursday 24 March 2022

Today's (24th March 2022) lunch photos

Just had me lunch - 2 of Morrisons spinach and pine nut pasta salads 'cos they had a use-by date of yesterday.  We've pretty much decided on the menu for the rest of the week too, finally.  Tomorrow will stay at the veggie OXO drinks 'cos Steve's medical appointment is a couple of hours after lunch and he doesn't want to get travel sick during the short journey, so we're both sticking to the menu tomorrow, Saturday will be the curry and Sunday will be Steve's breaded chicken and mash and I'll either have another OXO drink or an instant soup.  There have been a few deviations from the menu this week, but being able to replace the second OXO with the curry means that we're back on track for next week.

Here are today's 3 lunch photos:

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