Saturday 16 July 2022

Mornin' all

I just wanna start off my usual morning blog post by admitting that I was wrong in my blog post where I said that I wouldn't be watering the plants and seedlings for a third time yesterday.  I went through to the bathroom for my last wee before bed and one of the leaves in the Amazon pot was incredibly dry and there were a couple of leaves on the 38 Degrees plant that were starting to shrivel up, so I instantly went to get my quad cane and gave them all a third drink.  The water disappeared almost instantly, so I gave them a bit more water then went for a wee and headed to bed.

I came down this morning and they looked slightly healthier, so I gave them another huuuge drink before I even turned my laptop on this morning and the water almost instantly disappeared again, so I ended up giving the 38 Degrees plant about 1½ litres of water (instead of the usual litre) and the two Amazon pots about a litre each (instead of the usual ¾ of a litre each).  The weeds got about a litre between them, but I'm definitely gonna water them three times today, as well as potentially a fourth, night-time drink like I did last night 'cos of the temperature it's predicted to be between today and Tuesday.  We're under a red weather warning which, depending on your sources "has never happened before" or is "very very rare" lol

I've taken my morning pills and cared for my carer for 45 minutes this morning, which takes the weekly total up to over 52 hours.  My carer has cared for me for under an hour all week combined.  My aim for this week is to hit double the minimum required and I'm hoping that my carer will care for me for 2 hours by the time I head to bed tomorrow.  Basically I want to have doubled the minimum but I very much doubt that my carer will even have done ⅒ of the minimum requirement.  I'm guessing it'll be the same next week too... apparently he "do[es] everything for her" and he "make[s] all her meals and drinks" despite only making one meal so far this week and he hasn't make a drink (other than squash) for well over a year (yep, totally serious).  I make 3 or 4 drinks for him a day, as well as at least two meals... apparently I don't do anything to support him though <shrug>

Time to go and make his first meal of the day now.  I'll have to see how stable I feel on my feet after I've done that though... if I don't feel safe then I won't get any breakfast again <shrug>


Forgot to publish this before I went and did it again lol

We've both had our breakfast now and my carer wants his first hot drink of the day, so I'll go and make it for him while the virus scan is running then come back to do the photo for you all.

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