Sunday 17 July 2022

Mornin' all

How are you all doing today?

I've just had my Chia seeds for the first time in a long time and taken my morning pills, so I'm all set until lunchtime now.

I've got my two vegan cookies from Subway to finish off for my breakfast and I've gotta make my carers breakfast for him too.

I ended up caring for my carer for 12 hours and 47 minutes yesterday and I've already cared for him for 20 minutes this morning, which takes the weekly total up to a smidgen over 65 hours, so it's looking good that I'll be able to double the minimum, but won't reach 80 hours this week 'cos of how long my carer spent with his family on Friday.

My current to-do list for today looks like this:

  • refill my pill reminder box after lunch
  • get the caring spreadsheet set up ready for next week
  • sort and take out the rubbish and recycling
  • make my carer's breakfast for him
  • care for my carer as needed throughout the day
  • water the plants and seedlings
  • run the daily virus scan

 I'm gonna start by crossing one thing off the list and go and make my carer's breakfast for him now.



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