Saturday 2 July 2022

Mornin' all

Steve seems to be coping OK with yesterday's news so far today and he's asleep again already, after being awake for long enough to talk about this piece of news and request a hot drink that he's had one sip of so far.

It's a high pollen count for me today 'cos I've already sneezed and my eyes are watering, so it'll be like this until at least September now.

The seedlings and plants got one watering out of me yesterday 'cos of the Green Man in the morning and me totally forgetting until about 6pm!  Woops!

I'm gonna take my morning pills in a bit, then make Steve's breakfast for him when he wakes up enough to eat without choking, then do the watering.  Reckon I'm gonna leave off breakfast today 'cos I'm not hungry right now, but that might change at any time.

I've just started the daily virus scan so hopefully it'll still be clear.  Gonna take my morning pills while it's running though.


OK, that's my morning pills down the hatch and Steve's still in the land of nod, so I'm gonna go and make a start on the news now.


The virus scan has finished and is still clear, thankfully, so I'll just keep my eye on Steve until he wakes up naturally, then I'll go and make his breakfast for him and do the watering while he's eating, then take his bowl back through to the kitchen and do the washing up.


Can't see me getting much/any editing done today after all, but we shall see.  I might make a start on it now, while Steve's asleep so that I can hopefully at least start the editing today.


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