Friday 8 July 2022

Mornin' all

How are you all doing this morning?

Steve's apparently 'getting washed' at the kitchen sink but it's more realistic to say that he's standing there naked, playing with the sinkful of water and soaking then squeezing his flannel out for over half an hour.  He made a bottle of squash for me overnight though, so that's the end of his caring for today.  He's got a medical appointment this morning and doesn't want any breakfast, just his beef instant soup for lunch and prolly ham sandwiches for his tea, so I'll be making both of those meals for him and it'll be the 12th and 13th meals I've made for him this week and he's made 2 so far.  He still hasn't made me any drinks, so that's yet more proof that he lies to everyone he tells about being my carer.  He's done 5 things for me so far this week (made two bottles of squash, two lunches and helped to put the groceries away on Tuesday) which adds up to 73 minutes of care and I've done 86 things for him adding up to very nearly 51 hours of care, but apparently I'm not the carer and I don't do anything for him <shrug>

Time to take my pills now, then go out and do the watering while I wait for my Amazon delivery to turn up.

Steve's just come in and sat down, puffing and panting after walking literally 10-15 steps, so I've gotta restart my caring of him again now and I'm predicting that he'll be asleep within 10 or 15 minutes.

I'm gonna take my morning pills so that I don't forget, do the watering then go and get my breakfast.


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