Sunday 2 October 2022

My aim for... weight, before the end of October, is to get up to 59-60kg so that I'm a few kilo's overweight, then I can write and write and write without worrying about how much weight I'm losing.  I reckon I'll lose a couple of kilo's in the week to 10 days that I'm writing for NaNo which'll take me down to the top end of my healthy weight range, then I'll pig out again throughout December to try and get my weight back up so that I can safely write throughout JanNo too, then listen to my body and give it exactly what it wants, when it wants it, throughout the rest of January so that hopefully things will be back to normal by February kinda time.

It's less than 20 days a year and I'm hoping that the several drinking chocolates every day will stop me from losing too much weight, then I'll spend the rest of November and January gradually reintroducing solids again so that it's not so much of a shock to my body like it usually is when I start eating solids every day again.

I'm thinking that I'll start off by re-introducing breakfast each time, then light lunches until I get through JanNo and things can go back to normal again for the other 10 months of the year.

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