Monday 11 July 2022

Mornin' all

I felt better yesterday with 5 hours and 29 minutes of sleep than I do this morning with 9 hours and 1 minute of sleep lol

It's almost time for my morning pills now, so hold on while I take 'em all...

OK, all dosed up until lunchtime now.

Steve decided yesterday that he didn't want me to go with him and his family to the undertaker today after all, so I'll be able to eat today.  I'll make his breakfast for him then have a couple of soya yoghurts for mine, to get them out of the fridge, then I'll have a mug of soup and a packet of crisps, possibly along with a bar of chocolate for lunch (along with my lunchtime pill) and have multiple mugs of drinking chocolate as well, throughout the day.  Steve said he's gonna take his key with him, so I won't be staying up waiting for him again... it'll be pills at 7pm and asleep by 8pm with any luck.

He's already turned the fan off, so hopefully it'll stay off and the window will be closed so that I can stay above freezing today.

I've already been for 3 wee's and a poo in the hour and a bit since I woke up, so I hope that doesn't mean it's gonna be a bad bladder day for me today!

The virus scan was still clear, the anti-track and VPN are keeping me protected too, just like every day.

Gotta remember to charge my FitBit up today otherwise it won't log my steps and sleep and stuff, which is annoying.

Got something confidential to sort out today, while Steve is with his family (I haven't seen my mum for almost exactly 12 years - I've seen her twice since my father's funeral back in the Summer of 2010) so that'll keep me busy too... just hope that I don't get paranoid or psychotic while I'm doing it, is all!

Need to weigh myself this morning too, so I'd best go and do that now while I remember... BBIAB!


I'm 56.6kg which is still in the healthy weight range for my height, but a bit lower than I wanna be, so I'll pig out today lol

Gonna go and make Steve's breakfast for him then do the watering now, then I can download, code and upload the FitBit spreadsheet for last week.


I forgot to publish this before I made Steve's breakfast, but I've just been out to do the watering too and I'm getting ever so slightly excited 'cos it looks like I might hopefully have my first flower blooming by Wednesday and the other flowers by the end of the week too, so they really did just need more sun than they were getting in their original place!  Can't wait to see what the flowers are like now!  😁😃😄😍

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