Wednesday 6 July 2022

Mornin' all

I've woken up in a pretty good mood and I'm determined that today will be a good day.

I've already taken my morning pills and set the weekly virus scan running and cared for my carer for 76 minutes this morning, which means the weekly total of care so far is already over 26 hours, so hitting the weekly minimum should hopefully be just about done by the time I head to bed tonight, then I'll be spending the rest of the week doing unpaid overtime.

Steve seems to be coping OK with his loss so far, but maybe he's still in shock or something?  It wasn't an unexpected loss but it's still hard when it finally happens.

Breakfast today will be made by me again and I'll actually be able to eat this morning now that Steve's decanted the granola into the jug for me!  Lunch today is pasta and sauce and vegetarian chicken pieces according to the menu.  Steve doesn't reckon that the pieces go with pasta and sauce, but I'm pretty sure we've had them before and I'm not sure what else (other than curry) that we could use them with!  Any ideas please?  Leave 'em in the comments 'cos I'd love to get some new ideas for quick and easy meals that we could try with them now that we've got a mini stock-pile of them lol


I'm not gonna do any editing today after all 'cos I wouldn't be able to save the edits until the back ups had finished and if the programme decided to close I'd have lost it all, so I'm not gonna risk it.  I'll do the news this morning, just not the editing.

Steve's just woken up, so I'll go and make breakfast for us both now.


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