Saturday 9 July 2022

Mornin' all

How are you all doing this morning?

I've already taken my morning pills, done the washing up and cared for my carer for almost as long this morning alone than he's cared for me all week combined so far.  He's supposed to care for me for 35 hours a week to be recognised and paid as my carer, which he's never done and because he's only cared for me for an hour and 15 minutes so far this week, he's gotta put in 17 hour days today and tomorrow, which he's never done either.  To barely scrape through the minimum this week, he's gotta do nothing but care for me from 5am until 10pm both days, and considering he spends, on average, 10 hours a day asleep, that doesn't look very likely today and tomorrow, does it?  He's already adding 90 minutes onto tomorrow 'cos he's been asleep since I came downstairs, so tomorrow he's gotta do nothing but care for me between 5am and 11.30pm tomorrow, as well as working from right now to 10pm, which he can't do when he's asleep.  I've already cared for my carer for 90 minutes so far this morning and over 62 hours so far this week, so I started working overtime on Wednesday and it's incredibly doubtful (based on the evidence so far this year) that he'll even reach 10% of the minimum required.

I only had breakfast after all yesterday and I doubt I'll even have that today because I'll be too wiped out after making my carers breakfast for him then going out to water the seedlings... it'll be weird doing the watering today 'cos I've moved the 38 Degrees pot to a different position, so all the pots (other than last years tomatoes) are right next to each other now... how will my body cope with that??  I hope my legs don't give way underneath me from having to make so many sharp turns today!  T'was only 2 sharp turns yesterday, but it's double that this morning lol

Gonna make a start on the three sets of news while my carer is asleep I reckon.  Gonna do a bit more editing today too.

The daily virus scan was still clear, thankfully, so I'm all safe and protected until I do it again on tomorrow now.

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