Friday 10 September 2021

After yesterday's book reading and reviewing...'s book is a huuuuge disappointment.  I'm under 40% of the way through the book and it's already lost two stars, neither of which were lost due to the usual trademark infringement, thankfully, but it's just such a dull book that I've skipped more than I've read.  I hope the current 3 stars stay in place for the last 60%, but based on previous experience of similarly dull books, I doubt I'll finish the book before the final star is gone.


Apparently we're definitely having burgers for lunch today, but nothing else with them, which is fine by me but my body needs the calories after only having 8 biscuits this morning and under 1,000 calories yesterday, so I desperately need to have lunch today so that I can keep as healthy as possible.


I've already cared for my carer for 6½ hours this morning and it's not even lunchtime yet, so it should be another easy 10-12 hours of care by the time I head to bed tonight.  It was over 14 hours by the time I finished logging it yesterday which is an incredibly rare thing and means that as of last night, I had already cared for my carer for 46 hours, plus today's 6 means that I've already cared for him for 52 hours this week, so 75 hours by bed time on Sunday seems pretty achievable to me right now.


Woops!  Forgot to publish this before I had my lunch, so here's the photo of today's burgers:

I've taken my lunchtime pill too, so I'm dosed up 'til bedtime now.

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