Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Morning all

Had a pretty productive morning so far!  I've already sorted out the news for one site, made and eaten breakfast, taken my morning pills and taken the recycling through to the kitchen.


I've cared for my carer for a smidgen over 2 hours this morning and by the time I went up to bed last night I'd cared for him for over 12½ hours, so it's looking like, assuming today and tomorrow are similar amounts, I'll have achieved the required amount of care by the time I come down here on Thursday morning, so it's looking like it should hopefully be a pretty easy 75 hour week again.


I've already drunk 1¼ litres today and it's not even 8am yet lol 

Gotta remember to sort out the delivery slot for 3 weeks time too... so might do that before I go out and water the tomatoes.


The daily virus scan was clear again, so I'll crack on with the news, then read a new-to-me book.


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