Wednesday 22 December 2021

All sorted for another week now

The virus scan and backups have both finished and I've put the external hard drive away for the next 7 days.

Accidentally opening up one of my email programmes didn't seem to affect the time it took for the virus scan to finish and the backups were finished in about the same time as normal too, so the rest of the day is back to normal again now.

I've made myself a drinking chocolate to try and get rid of the icicles on my fingertips and I think I'm allowed 'cos this is only my 5th or 6th mug in about 4 tubs... Steve's had the rest of it, same as with most things.

I've just checked the menu for today and it's supposed to be pasta 'n' sauce, but I'm predicting right now, at 10.55am that my carer won't want to cook it, so I'll have to make him a soup and just have my Graze box instead of a proper lunch again.  Out of the six meals he says he cooks by Wednesday lunchtime, he's only actually cooked once so far and that was only 'cos I refused to eat if he didn't cook.

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