Saturday 25 December 2021

Good morning and Merry Christmas!

Mornin' all.

I'm only gonna be around for the next couple of hours before we head on up to my in-laws so there will be very few blog posts until late afternoon/early evening, depending on how wiped out I am when we get home.

I've spent my mum's Amazon voucher on a fitness watch that'll be here on Monday and I've still got C's left to spend... I'm thinking maybe a cardigan or even a dress or something like that?

I've taken my morning pills and I'm charging up my phone and I'm gonna shut down at about 9.15am in preparation.  I've already supported my carer for well over 2 hours this morning and he still hasn't supported me at all.

There won't be any food photo's today (but I'll definitely be eating for the first time in a couple of days) and potentially tomorrow, but hopefully there will be starting again on Monday.

The virus scan was clear so I'm all set for the day now.

I hope you all enjoy your day and weekend as much as possible.  See you all later on or tomorrow or whatever.

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