Wednesday 22 December 2021

Mornin' all

I wasn't kidding about it bright and early last night, was I?  lol  I was awake, down here and caring for my carer before 🕔 5am this morning and I've already put in 50 minutes of care this morning.

I've set off the weekly virus scan, so hopefully I'll get that and the back-ups finished by about lunchtime today then I can make my carer's lunch for him.  I remembered not to open up my email programmes so that's one thing less to get stressed about this morning.

Gaia (and the Green Man??) have told me to hold off on getting the fitness watch until February, so I'm guessing there will be a product test or sale or cashback or something like that available then, so I'll be watch-less until then, but if waiting a couple of months saves me money then I don't mind too much.

According to my caring spreadsheet, I've got under 9 hours of care left to provide today before I start working overtime this week, so I reckon I'll get that done and dusted by early afternoon, then the rest of my day and week will be overtime.  It's not gonna be such a huge amount of overtime this week 'cos my carer will prolly stay awake and chatting to his family at least on Saturday morning, but if he overdoes it with Christmas lunch then I predict that he'll spend some of the afternoon asleep at his parents lol

Time to take my morning pills now, then go and make my breakfast I reckon.


1 hour and 5 minutes of care this morning and counting.


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