Sunday 19 December 2021

Mornin' all

How are you all doing this morning?

My carer is going for his booster jab this morning and I've got someone coming over early afternoon for the fitness tracker and I've gotta do the news and support friends the rest of the time.


We're supposed to be having a full vegan lunch today, but I won't believe it until it's in front of me and I've taken a photo of it for you all.  I'm gonna have breakfast while my carer is out getting his jab so at least I'll have one meal today.  Gotta do a stock-take of the kitchen cupboard as well 'cos I'm pretty sure it's completely full of jars and there's more on Thursday's grocery order, so we won't have room to store the new jars.

The daily virus scan was clear, so it's time for my morning pills now... brb.


OK, pills taken and I've asked my carer if he still felt up to making lunch to which he replied "I reckon so at the moment, but if I feel grotty when I get back then we'll definitely have it tomorrow" so I'm predicting right now that we won't be having it today or tomorrow and very unlikely that we'll have it before Christmas either.

Time to do the stock-take in the cupboard now.


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