There's a bowl of water out in our back yard that goes green after a couple of weeks so I go out, clean it and re-fill it when I notice. The birds do seem to be drinking from the bowl 'cos it hasn't been hot enough for those couple of centimetres of water to disappear in a couple of weeks, so maybe they come to quench their thirst after they've eaten the seed? I haven't seen any wild birds in our yard for weeks on end but the combination of the water and slowly shrinking seed in the feeder is all I need to know that they are definitely being used, they are just too shy to stay when us noisy humans are moving around!
I think I'll need to re-fill the seed soon 'cos while there's still plenty left in it for the birds to eat, I don't wanna miss the opportunity while it's not peeing it down or bitterly cold or snowing and I can just about reach it down at full stretch without having to risk my safety on uneven ground on a step ladder again.
Might empty out the fat balls and replace those at the same time then they have got fresh food rather than manky stuff that has been out there in all weathers without being changed. Need to make sure that we've got replacements already bought and ready to go in first though 😂
A weekend job, methinks.
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