Saturday 18 June 2022

Mornin' all

How are you all doing today?

For the first time this year, I've left the fan heater off in the bedroom and I slept without the duvet hugging me overnight too, so it's gonna be a boiling hot day today I reckon.

I've had my Chia seeds this morning and already been for one poo so I'm dosed up with protein for the day now and it doesn't matter if I don't get any breakfast again (I last had breakfast two weeks ago today), as long as I have something for lunch.  Might have a Graze box punnet for breakfast 'cos my belly is already rumbling lol


A friend is helping me to re-write an important letter and yesterdays psychic reading seemed to show that what I want to happen is gonna happen within the next couple of years.  I put the full reading up on my homepage as soon as it had finished yesterday if you wanna have a read through of it?


The virus scan was reassuringly still clear, so that's good to know and it means that I'm keeping you all safe from nasties at my end too.

My carer has just woken up and gone for a wee and I bet he'll fall asleep on the toilet too because he went as soon as he woke up, so will still be tired and I'll have to hope that the Chia seeds don't affect my bowel while he's in there, otherwise I won't be happy.

I'm gonna restart my laps today 'cos we'll hopefully be having a proper lunch but I've gotta take my morning pills, water the plants/seedlings and make my carer's breakfast for him first!

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