Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Mornin' all

After yesterday's mistake with my APs, I remembered not to take them in the evening and I actually spent longer asleep than I usually do and I woke up more refreshed too, so maybe one of the side effects isn't knackeredness like I thought??  I'm still gonna take them in the evening now, because that's when my body is most used to having them, but now I know that it's not side effects sending me to sleep, but my body crying out for a break.  You watch me forget tonight though lol


I've written a letter to my GP about something I forgot to ask the Neurologist about, so I'm hoping Steve'll take it with him to his medical appointment tomorrow, so that he can ask Marie to post it for me.


I've finished the daily virus scan, taken my morning pills and my body is grateful to be able to start the day off fully dosed up and because it's a Tuesday I took the FA as well, so that's that until lunchtime now.


Gotta remember to water the tomatoes while I'm doing Steve's breakfast too!


Steve's just gone back to sleep, so maybe it's not breakfast time after all?

We're supposed to be having curry for lunch today to finish off the jar of sauce and packet of Quorn pieces, but I won't believe it until I see it again.

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