Saturday 9 July 2022

T'will be...

...a very late night tonight, methinks, 'cos I've just had garlic mushrooms and onion rings for a very late-for-me tea, which means I can't take my last pills of the day at 7pm and safely head to bed at 8am without feeling very sick when I lay down.  I'm thinking it'll be at least 8pm before I take my pills and prolly won't risk going to bed until after 9pm or even 10pm just in case my tea decides to re-visit me.

I've eaten 3 times today though, so it won't matter too much if I miss my breakfast tomorrow and I prolly won't start feeling ready to eat again until at least 11am, if not later.

I've gone way over budget with my calories today, which will hopefully make up for only having breakfast yesterday.

Time to resize the two tea photos and put them both online now... I'll hopefully remember to do it this evening, unlike I did at lunchtime❗ 😉😏

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