Sunday 10 July 2022

Carer fed, garden watered and predictably... carer was asleep again by the time I came back in and took his empty bowl through.  I can't have breakfast this morning 'cos there aren't any clean bowls and I don't wanna risk washing up otherwise I'll forget about not washing up the frying pan that my carer wants to re-use for lunch so that there's some flavour left in it from yesterday's lunch... can't remember what the flavour is that he wants to keep though!  






He finished off the bag of frozen diced onions yesterday and wants to keep the frying pan dirty so that he can try and get some of the residual onion flavour into the sauce for today's curry.

Means that I can start to finish off the first part of the commission this morning though, so I'll get started on it now, before I forget.

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