Sunday 10 July 2022

Mornin' all

After an incredibly late night last night, I managed 5 hours and 28 minutes of sleep last night, according to the FitBit app on my phone.  I've woken up with a blood-shot left eye this morning, so I hope that's nothing too serious... I'm sure it isn't, but I only usually get blood-shot eyes after a crying session!

I've already made a hot drink for Steve, listened to him talk about the organisation of the funeral and generally supported him for 78 minutes this morning.  I managed a whopping 14½ hours of care for my carer yesterday which has already taken the weekly caring total to 75 hours and 59 minutes, so the 85 hours is pretty much in the bag I reckon... might even be on the way to 90 hours today!!

I've just had the reminder come up for my morning pills, so I've taken those and woken Steve up twice so that he didn't fall out of his chair and the second time was so that he didn't drop his hot drink down himself.

Today is gonna be a day working on something I've been commissioned to do and I'm hoping it'll get the point across to the people who are using it... I just hope I can stop myself from turning each point into a rant lol


The daily virus scan was reassuringly clear again, thankfully, so it's time to go and make my carer's breakfast for him now that he's awake for longer than 30 seconds!  Yep, totally serious!  I'll go and do the watering after that and before I have my own breakfast.  I've gotta remember to take the rubbish and recycling outside this morning too, ready for the collection tomorrow.


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