Wednesday 2 June 2021

Pretty productive morning, thankfully

Afternoon (just!) all.


Since my last blog post this morning, I've managed to put two manuscripts through editing, the virus scan has finished, backups started and I've just scoffed another banana, so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself right now.  Hopefully this afternoon I'll get the other manuscript sorted and I'll be able to check my emails, for the first time today, this afternoon.

Steve's still at his medical appointment, so I've achieved a lot in the last couple of hours because he hasn't been here, needing my care.

I'll be time for my lunchtime pill soon, so I'm gonna go and grab another glass of water (no pop so far today) to take it with, and hopefully I won't unplug the external hard drive with my feet, trying to clamber over the two leads for it.


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