Sunday, 3 October 2021

Mornin' all

How are you all doing this morning?


Looks like today will either be "a very light lunch" or nothing at all 'cos Steve doesn't fancy cooking again so I'll only have had a maximum of 2 non-biscuit meals this week so I'll definitely have lost a pretty significant amount of weight tomorrow and it looks like I won't be having breakfast until at least Wednesday so that Steve can finish off his marmalade.  If he decides that he wants marmalade on his toast after that as well, it'll be my second week without breakfast and potentially my second week of mainly biscuits for lunch too.  I'm not happy and very hungry, almost to the point of feeling sick, but it's just not safe for me to cook anything and Steve couldn't be bothered to cook this week, so if it's the same next week then my stomach might start turning against me.

I've taken my morning pills, run the daily virus scan (still clear) and already given up on the news, so I'm gonna crack on with the reading and reviewing I started doing yesterday afternoon.


We've gotta put our rubbish and recycling out today, so I'll go and do that when Steve's finished his toast and I can pretty much guarantee that he either won't help at all or his "help" will be tying a knot in the rubbish bag and putting it in the canvas sack, same as every week.

Our groceries are due tomorrow, so I've gotta remember to give our order one final check through before it's too late - you watch me forget though lol

Toodle-pip for now.

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