Wednesday 13 July 2022

Second day without...

...any food in my belly all day and the 5th meal I've made for my carer who will be out of the house for the majority of the day tomorrow, so that's potentially my third day without food but I'll have to make my carer's tea tonight too because otherwise he won't eat, which isn't healthy for his newest diagnosis, so literally the only solid food that I'll have had in my belly until Friday is 4 vegan cookies for my tea on Monday and just a few hot drinks a day.

I'm predicting he will only cook once between Friday and Sunday so I will only have eaten one meal all week but my carer has had at least two meals a day, made by me as well as multiple snacks.  Apparently "I make all her meals and drinks for her" apparently though <shrug>

I'm making another prediction that it'll be "too hot for hot choccy, sorry" so I'll have to live on water and decaff coffee all afternoon 'cos I think the peach tea has got caffeine in it, so I'll be living on less than 100 calories again today, but my carer is eating over 2,500 for his lunch alone <shrug>

Best go and do the lunchtime watering and take my 13th pill in two days on an empty stomach again.


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