Thursday 20 May 2021

Feeling really proud of myself now!

I've just checked my credit score and it's increased by 74 points in the last 30 days, so it's now just about in "good" instead of "fair" like it previously had been.  I've done absolutely nothing differently in the last 30 days so I haven't got a clue why it's jumped so much in the right direction, but I'm sooo relieved that it has!  Just gotta keep on moving in the same direction now, but I haven't got any credit cards or loans and I just scrape through without using my overdraft each month, so if I just keep on doing that then hopefully it'll keep on increasing slowly but surely!

I've made my carer's breakfast and already finished a can of ginger beer.  My breakfast consisted of a single slice of bread - not toasted or spreaded, just a single piece of bread so that my carer could have his breakfast.  I've been down here for 3 hours and have received bugger all care so far today.  I cared for my carer for 5 hours and 39 minutes yesterday and my carer did 27 minutes of care for both of us combined all day (he cooked lunch) instead of the minimum of 5 hours a day he should be doing.

I've taken my morning pills and taking the Calcium in the afternoon, instead of at the same time as the Iron is already having a (positive) noticeable affect on how I feel when I take it each morning... kinda like the Iron and Calcium aren't fighting with each other now?


The virus scan was still clear 👌 so might even risk studying a longer course in between caring for my carer... can't guarantee it, but nothing else is happening today so my morning is clear now, so I'll hopefully be able to make a start on it at the very least.

Gonna go and do my exercise now, before I forget, and hope that it doesn't mess my stomach up too much.

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