Monday, 4 October 2021

Mornin' all

How are you all doing this morning?


Personally speaking, I've done the forum stuff, taken my morning pills, taken the empty toilet rolls out of the bathroom bin and put them outside to be collected by the recyclers and cared for my carer for very nearly 2 hours already today.  I've been awake for a smidgen over 2 hours and have had bugger all care from my carer.  The heater is on in here though, so my carer is gonna be asleep all day except when he's eating and I'll be caring for him for another 10 or 11 hours today but I'll be lucky to get an hour's care out of him this entire week.  I'm not being pessimistic, but I don't reckon he'll cook this week either, so it'll be another entirely biscuit or nothing week again and I bet he'll scoff at least one of the Turkish Delight's for his tea this week, rather than keeping them as the reward he agreed to.


Our groceries are due today and I can pretty much guarantee that it'll be down to me to bring it in and put it away again, just like last week.


My daily virus scan was clear again this morning and I remembered to turn the VPN on first thing too, so I'm even more protected today.


Ho hum.  Time to make myself a bottle of squash that my carer promised he'd do overnight but conveniently forgot about again, then crack on with the news.


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