Wednesday 13 July 2022

Mornin' all

How are you all doing this morning?

So far today, I've been for 2 wee's, started the weekly virus scan, taken my morning pills and cared for my carer for almost an hour.  When he eventually wakes up, I'll go and make his breakfast for him then water the plants and seedlings.  I wanna try and take a photo of the crops today, 'cos there are now a few flowers!!  Yaaay!!  Might wait until after lunch before I attempt that though, so that as many as possible have a chance to open up.

When the virus scan and backups have finished, I've got the last 3 pieces of the commissioned work to edit, then I'll be able to do the last parts of it when they've been approved then that's it then!

The virus scan is already at 35% which is good going.  Hopefully it'll be finished by about 10am then I can make a start on the backups which'll hopefully be done at around lunchtime. I remembered not to open my email programmes this morning, so could start the virus scan without having to reboot.

It's Super Rice for Steve and Cous Cous for me on today's menu, so I'm predicting I'll be making Steve's for him then be too unsafe to make my own again, which will be the third lunch this week that I've missed, despite Steve telling everyone that he "makes all her meals and drinks for her".  I've made 4 meals and 3 snacks as well as multiple hot drinks for Steve so far this week and he's made a grand total of 2 bottles of squash for me in the same amount of time.

He's just woken up and gone for a wee, so I'll be able to make his breakfast for him and do the watering when he comes back in here, assuming he stays awake for long enough to eat it before it turns to mush of course, then he'll reject that bowl and say that he "wasn't hungry anyway" and lay the guilt trip on me that he's gone without his first meal of the day.

Best publish this and make a start on making his breakfast for him so that he can have it as soon as he comes out of the bathroom... assuming he hasn't fallen asleep in there again of course!

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